January has been a month filled with plans, goals and renewed determination to make change happen. I’ve been fortunate to work with a group of talented young professionals in workshops this month and they are inspiring. Although I’m adverse to labels, they have unofficially identified as ‘high achievers’ and when asked what are the traits that they associate with being a high achiever, the most common responses are goal-focused, ambitious, self-disciplined, driven to achieve their goals, making a meaningful impact and a strong personal vision of where they want to be this time next year.
Interestingly, I re-read Dr Ruth Gotian’s book, ‘The Success Factor’, recently and she’s found that nearly all high achievers have four main attributes: intrinsic motivation, perseverance, strong foundation and constantly learning through informal means. In her view, the key to their success is that they do all four of these things at the same time. I’ve given a copy to my workgroup so it will be interesting to see what they think!
See https://www.ruthgotian.com/book for more information.