I am struck by how many times I have heard recently from my clients that they are struggling with being all things to their management team, their own teams and their clients. These leaders are struggling with the expectations of all and commonly highlight feelings of personal failure in their performance. One recurring concern is of appearing inauthentic. This is a challenge on many levels – to understand the employee experience, while managing your team and making the hard decisions that are required in times of uncertainty.
A recent survey by McKinsey highlighted that “As businesses face evolving challenges, four aspects of leadership will become dramatically more important: insight, integrity, courage, and agility”. These are all elements of an authentic leadership approach of staying focused and true to what matters most to you and your team in how you make decisions, what you say you’ll do and what you actually do.
This article is worth reading if you are interested either in leadership and evolving your own authentic leadership style: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/leadership-in-innovation-needs-innovation-in-leadership